What’s in a Name? Flawless12

The Day 4 prompt for Project Flawless12 was discovering what the meaning was behind our name. I already knew Karen was a form of Katherine, which in basic definition means “Pure”.


I decided to go the same route as Christie and check out the meaning of my name on a fun urban dictionary app called Slango. I downloaded the free version and looked up my name…quickly followed by a few chuckles. As you proceed below, you can see why…

Definitions by Slango app for iPhone

In a nutshell….

Do you know what YOUR name means?

Two, Three Punch – Project #Flawless12

Since I am still on the path to recovery, and with a little help from codeine cough syrup, I was fast asleep by 9:30 last night. Not exactly what I had planned, but if you know me, I am not one to turn down a good 8+ hours of sleep.

So catching up with the Flawless12 project…

Day 2 of #Flawless12 WAS dedicated to giving ourselves a pat on the back…to say “Girl, ya done good so keep it up!”

  • My work life balance may not be perfect, but I will continue to make strives to find what works better for me and my family. My family will always come first.
  • Marriage is work. Anyone who disagrees can stick it. I will work at it until my last dying breath because mine is worth that much to me.
  • I love this blog and writing, but when I choose to read, snuggle, or watch movies with my children over tending to it, then that is and will always be ok.




Day 3 of Flawless12 – if my life was a movie …I dream it would be like an action adventure with a little romance thrown in for good measure. Think SPEED with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.

In reality, it’s probably more like Cheaper By The Dozen with less kids.

I love the life they live, and how happy they are with what they have. Life may not be perfect, but Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt make it work. This movie epitomizes the theme that family always comes first, and that is how I live my life.


With these faces….

How could I not?

Now go hug your own kids!
This blog will still be here when you get back.

Jumping Into Project #Flawless12

I’m not typically one to do daily blog projects, mainly because some weeks I can barely find extra time to write. I adore writing. I love the feeling when thoughts just melodiously flow from my brain, and can be easily transcribe onto paper or typed into a post.

Let’s face it, being a parent is a lot of work, throw in working full time and basically I can kiss finding time to write goodbye. I think that is why this blog project from my friend Christie, over at Chatterbox Christie spoke such volumes to me.

Christie has “created a series of prompts, one for each day of the the month, dedicated to creatively and boldly showing some self-love. The prompts can be answered in any way that moves you. Pictures, blog posts, videos, tweets, status updates, pins on Pinterest…whatever.

I love this.
Who doesn’t need a little time to focus on themselves once in a while?

So…I have now put myself up to the challenge, but of course am starting a day late. It seems finding some time for myself to write, and get the words flowing again was a little tougher than I thought. 🙂

Today’s prompt:

The courage to hold my phone above my head, smile, snap a picture, and agree to accept the first picture taken no matter what.

Ok, I admit this is the second picture.
I chopped off the top of my head in the first one.
And it’s not first thing in the morning.
And I have some makeup on.
And I am at my desk at the office.
I’m such a rule breaker.

Tomorrow is another day, and I will be more prepared for the next challenge.

If you are interested in reading more on Christie’s project Flawless12 you can go HERE.  Then jump over and subscribe to the daily prompts HERE if you want to join in too.

What was the subject of the first daily blog challenge you participated?